One in two women with disabilities are victims of gender violence, including sexual abuse, according to a study promoted by the Disability and Human Rights Observatory. The study argue that sexual education is "absolutely necessary", an opinion shared by those with disabilities.
The data are part of the report "Monitoring of Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Portugal", a study from the Observatory, which was based on 60 interviews with people with disabilities, aged between 12 and 70 years. One of the report's authors said to Lusa that were interviewed 31 women and girls with disabilities, aged from 12 years.
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In SIC Notícias | 02-12-2014
In Público | 02-12-2014
In TVI 24 | 02-12-2014
In Observador | 02-12-2014
In Diário Digital | 02-12-2014